Work Permit Visa

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Canada is very liberal in accepting immigration requests. It is seen as one of the favorite destinations for those seeking Permanent Residency (PR). High employment rates and safe social setup are other reasons for applying. Permanent Residency takes the candidate one step closer to Canadian Citizenship. Permanent Residents can live, study and work in Canada. They are covered under the Canadian Law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. They are also eligible for healthcare and other social welfare benefits under Canadian Law. Get in touch with Permanent Residence consultants in Amritsar at Destination Abroad.

Skilled Labourers, Quebec Skilled Worker Program, Investors, Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed, Family Sponsorship and Live-in Caregiver visa applicants are eligible to apply for PR. Green Light is uniquely poised to handle the PR request to Canada from Dubai. We have Expert Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) accreditation in Canada. Your applications will be dealt with those who exhaustive knowledge in the subject, experience in handling real-life issues and skills in producing positive results. Moving from Dubai to Canada is considered to be easy as the skill sets required for both countries are similar. All you need is an efficient immigration consultant like Green Light to complete the procedure without any error.

The Federal Skilled Worker Program requires the applicant to be in the same job as the primary mentioned in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) during the last 10 years. The assignment has to be paid job, as volunteer work and unpaid internships are not counted. The job should be of Skill Type 0 or Skill Levels A or B of the 2016 NOC. The applicant should be able to prove at least one year of full-time continuous employment (1,560 hours or 30 hours in a week) or equal duration in part-time (15 hours per week for 24 months) or full-time at more than one job. The applicant should have writing, reading, listening and speaking proficiency in a language, as demonstrated through a test. Those educated outside Canada need to produce Educational Credential Assessment report from an approved agency.